I am not sure if anyone feels like this – but lately I just feel like the family housekeeper, maid, taxi driver, sports cheerleader, grocery shopper, bookkeeper, mom, wife, sister, daughter, Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator, etc. I could go on and on. This is all aside from having a job. I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed and started questioning why. Is all this important? Does anyone respect me, appreciate me? Does anyone care?
I guess you can say I was having a pity party.
Then I received a card from a friend (fellow stamper in my stamper’s 10 club) – A thinking of you card – Beautiful flowers on the front – each flower had the name of the flower and the corresponding word to go with it (example – Rose – Love, Carnation – Joy). The card and the sentiment touched my heart BUT the really surprise was when I turned the card over and read the message on the back.
It shouldn’t but it always amazes me that God knows what we need, when we need it and delivers it. We are so well taken care of by our Father.
Here is what I read on the back of the card…
Someone Cares
I read recently that by the time you reach age seventy-five you might easily have slept the equivalent of twenty-five years of your life. I think I’ve already spent at least that much time watching. Last week I watched my son Ross Play trombone in a jazz band concert, my daughter Maria dance in a recital and my husband Paul’s barbershop quartet in concert. Soon, I’ll begin the springtime rite of sitting on hard metal bleachers watching countless hours of high school baseball.
I was telling my mom that maybe I should be doing more and watching less when she laid the truth on me in her reliably sensible way. "We can’t all be stars," she said, "Somebody has to watch, or it would take all the fun out of performing." Then I remembered how our daughter rushed up to us after last years school musical. "Did you see my dance?" she wanted to know. The fact that Mom and Dad had seen her seemed as important as the dance itself.
My mom also pointed out that there’s more to my role than simply watching: Somebody has to drive to rehearsals, get the piano tuned and volunteer to bring the post-game snack. None of that may be glamorous, but I’ve learned that the performance – or whatever form that "starring role" takes – couldn’t happen without the supporting players. We watchers play an important role in the lives of others, who need to know that someone is cheering especially for them.
Author – Gina Bridgeman
So when I think all that I do doesn’t matter I will remember it matters.
I may not get as much time to stamp these days while I’m sitting on those hard metal bleachers, at a recital, or running endless errands – but it matters. God assures me it matters.
Have a wonderful day –
Thanks.. I needed that message too.. what a wonderful card you received! And such a wise message! Sending you a hug… YOU DO MATTER.. you are wonderful!! 🙂 Patty
Thanks.. I needed that message too.. what a wonderful card you received! And such a wise message! Sending you a hug… YOU DO MATTER.. you are wonderful!! 🙂 Patty