Hi Everyone ~
Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. It went by so fast. I hope you were able to relax and enjoy family and friends this year. We sometimes get bogged done with to do lists and trying to fit so much in that we forget what we really need is to stop and enjoy each other and the moments we have.
I have taken some time off of my computer in December to try to slow down and enjoy the time with family and friends. And because I chose to do that I didn't post as much as I had intended. I am sorry about that.
Today we are going to have to spend the day shoveling out. Ole Man Winter really left us with a lot of snow yesterday ~
These pictures were taken out my front door last night while it was still snowing. We got plenty more after these were taken.
Enjoy your day ~ take a few minutes today for yourself! I know I will make some time to get in a little stamping. Check back later to see what I was able to create!
Merry Christmas ~
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